Easy system operation
ALOtec-Macros and Templates
Easy and efficient system operation
The ALOtec macros and templates are program-generating wizards that significantly simplify the programming effort, enable faster setup, minimize errors and thus make the editing process even more efficient.
Faster setup
Predefined program sequences enable significantly faster setup.
Easy operation
Intuitive wizards simplify operation and make the system easy to understand.
Automatic adjustment
With just a few parameters, the macro automatically adapts the design to the component.
Error minimization
Automatic program assistants effectively reduce operating errors.
Explanatory video: ALOtec macros in use
Macros: Programming is that easy
Watch our video to see how intuitively and quickly a weld mark can be programmed on a cylinder component using an ALOtec macro – demonstrated directly in real time.
ALOtec generators
Overview of macros
The ALOtec generators are program-generating macros that significantly simplify the programming effort and make the machining process even more efficient.
Cylinder –
parallel rings
Cylindrical surface with parallel concentric circular hardned or welded tracks
Cylinder –
Cylindrical surface with one hardned or welded spiral track
Cylinder –
paralle spirals
Cylindrical surface with parallel hardned or welded spiral tracks
Circle –
concentric rings
Circular area with concentric hardned or welded tracks
Circle –
Circular area with one hardned or welded spiral track
Rotationally symmetric
track repetition
Rotationally symmetrical repetition of a user-defined hardned or welded track
Online offset –
Manual dynamic offset at right angles to the programmed track direction during the laser process
zoom direct
Manual dynamic offset to the programmed track width during the laser process
Circle –
circular segment
Circle, also circular segment
Cone –
parallel rings Standard
Conical surface with parallel concentric circular hardned or welded tracks
Cone –
parallel rings Extended
Conical surface with parallel concentric circular hardned or welded tracks, including the possibility to process only part of a full circle
Cone –
Conical surface with one hardned or welded spiral track
Meander generator in one plane, filling a closed contour with meander pattern
Track offset
Creates copies of a track they are moved by a frame or tool offset to be specified
Track offset
Creates an inverted track with opposite processing direction for a simple 3D meander
from sectional curve
Machining of rotationally symmetric components along a sectional curve
Oscillation –
periodic motion
Oscillating function for superimposing a programmed path motion with a defined periodic motion
teach point
Calibrates a static coordinate system using 3 points
Further macros are available depending on the process. We are happy to create special macros for your machining process according to your requirements.
ALOtec generators
Templates for easier operation
The ALOtec templates are templates for easier operation of the robot system and processes.
Technology –
Included in the system package
Hardening –
with fixed power
Included in the system package
Hardening –
point hardening
Included in the system package
Hardening –
Hardening 3D with subroutines for process start / end
Offset –
frame XYZ
Track repeat 3D (XYZ) with frame offset1)
Offset –
tool XYZ
Track repeat 3D (XYZ) with tool offset2)
Offset –
For radial and axial track offset, e.g. for setting up rings
File –
Moves robot files between backup drive and robot for more program memory
1) Offset in the component or clamping coordinate system
2) Offset in the optical coordinate system
Interested in optimized system operation?
Let’s get talking!
Discover how our macros and templates make operating your system easier and more efficient. We will be happy to provide you with personal advice – for customized solutions that simplify your processes.