
In-house seminar „Heat treatment of ferrous materials“

In-house seminar “Heat treatment of ferrous materials” with Arnold Horsch at ALOtec Dresden

We had the pleasure of experiencing an intensive and exciting in-house seminar on the “Heat treatment of ferrous materials”, led by Arnold Horsch, a real expert with over 50 years of experience in materials testing and hardening technology.

Seminar contents:

The section on the ZTU diagram and the states such as austenite, ferrite, pearlite, bainite and martensite was particularly fascinating and challenging at the same time. As a laser hardening shop, we are particularly interested in austenite and martensite, as we heat the steel with the laser beam to form austenite and the rapid cooling produces martensite, which gives the desired surface hardness.

A big thank you to Arnold Horsch for all the information, your patience with our questions and the entertaining anecdotes from the hardening and materials industry.

We are already looking forward to future intensive seminars for our team!

Seminar leader Arnold Horsch, consultant and training manager for heat treatment, materials testing and materials technology, conducts seminars on materials testing, hardness testing in theory and practice, metallography and intensive seminars for trainees and laboratory staff.

This measure was co-financed with tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament.

Find out more about our surface hardening process here. Laser hardening generates maximum hardness values on the component surface with a very low energy input. This achieves a targeted improvement in the wear behavior of components.